3 Proven Techniques to Improve Service-Based Website Loading Speed – Know How

When you create a website, you only have one goal in mind – making loads of online customers and convert them into revenue. This article is written for the people who are specifically running their service-based business website. We are going to portray the procedures which will help you make your website better and sell the services to a greater audience. The aspect we will consider in this article is your website speed which gives birth to devalued user experience, higher bounce rate, and poor search engine ranking. So, let’s check out how to improve your service business site’s speed.

Following are the techniques which need to be followed prominently in order to give your service-based website a boost and grab the greatest possible customers.

Reduce Image Size

If you run a service-related website, you must display some pictures which describe your services further to your potential clients and let them know how they can be benefitted by the service. Suppose, if you run a furnishing website, you may display some pictures of furniture you have built. Now, clear pictures are immensely important to build trust among your users.

But the high-quality images with high pixel count come with a large size. This will certainly increase the loading time of your website. In order to prevent this issue, you can use some photo editing software to reduce the size of the image. Also, you can use the image compression plugins in the CMSs like WordPress.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

A mobile-friendly website is the very first thing you want right now. Not very long ago, all the websites used to be desktop-centric. Since there were very few desktop screen sizes, that was not an issue for a developer to develop the websites accordingly. But in recent years, the increasing use of mobiles (smartphones) have given birth to one of the most important aspects of a website’s success – mobile-ready website. Since there are numerous screen sizes of mobiles and mobile-like devices such as a tablet, developers have found a way to get rid of this problem – responsive web design.

This kind of design automatically fits a website into any devices after fetching its screen size. Moreover, a responsive design is optimized in a way that the site takes very less time to load on mobiles. That’s the reason why all the web designing companies in Kolkata and other major places of the world are prioritizing the responsive design as one of the prime aspects of a website design and development.

Simple and Attractive Service Page

When the topic revolves around the service-related business, there is a great scope for sub-services to be available for a service. There can be more than 4-5 services as well. Suppose a web development company provides its services for web development and has a service named on it. Now, under the web development service, there can be various sub-services such as Corporate website development, eCommerce Website development, software development, mobile app development, web app development, CMS development, and much more. The most important aspect is staying simple. You should not make your website’s service page cluttered with loads of information which is not properly comprehensible. The simplicity can be enhanced by offering as less content as possible on the service page. You need to make the contents short but crispy to attract the visitors, educate them, and make your service page load faster as well.


These are the top three aspects of making your service-related website faster to load. We have been analysing and experimenting with various optimisation techniques for a long time. Thus, we have come to this final conclusion. As these solutions have helped various clients before, we believe it will be beneficial for you as well.

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