Uncover The Secret Formula 7 On-Page SEO Elements You Never Knew About!

“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first”   –    Wendy Piersall

Search Engine Optimization is an activity which attempts to improve engine ranking and successful SEO is partnering with Google to provide best search results to the users. It displays links to the pages which makes them relevant and authoritative. Authority comes with the quantity and quality of links from other web pages. Content and coding promote authority pages to the top of its ranking.

On page, optimization refers to the factor which effects sites and pages in natural search results.  It also helps to optimize the content or improve the Meta description and title tags. Links are relevant, but we need to be a focus on quality not quantity and if we want to increase the chance of securing natural links from relevant pages than we have to create expressive content massively which can support.

On Page SEO is a part of big SEO tool as it tracks position through keywords. We need to analyze keywords on a daily basis to control site’s visibility. We also have to do a comprehensive technical audit so that issues can detect related to crawlability, content and coding. To keep backlink profile clean, we need to integrate and discover potential dangerous backlink. Now here you go with some on-page SEO elements which are essential to know for internet users.

Title Tags

The title is the most important subject for searching. In search engine optimization we use keywords in the tile so that if any user searches that keyword, it came to the top ranking on Google engine. It is the most precise and accurate way to make search engine optimize. We have to focus on the length of title and it’s keyword placement as both are essential elements in title tagging. Keep wording less and company names out from the title as it makes the title more authoritative and viewable. Never duplicate the title tags as it doesn’t sustain relevancy with the description of content and its title.


Search engine optimization gives weight to the heading as it is the more prominent words on the document or file. We have to use keywords in headings too as it helps to get optimize or relevant results. Heading are also called the tags as it is a highlight on the page too. There’s hierarchy of heading in SEO which is from h1-h6. Usually, we use h1 heading on every page to keep balance search results and the further headings arrange according to this. H2 is used for subheading and h3 is the subheading of h2, this is how the process goes of title and keywords in it to bring optimize results in search engine.

URL Structure

We need to use keywords if changing URL from old to new. Uniform resource allocator is a web address through which we search location, file or website on the internet and if the keyword is there than its obvious that Google will show it in the top ranking. URL is having a protocol, domain name and path through which we retrieve information or categorize it. It also gives way to the HTTP and HTML websites. Keywords play an important role in SEO and it’s easy to cater or grab the audience towards the site through it. URL in SEO improved the user experience, ranking and links which create the resource relevancy and visibility.

Text in image

In SEO, we need to keep small size image by using right compression. Images enhance the visibility and text on it improves readability. Text on the image is called alternative text which is used as a tag on the image and make pictures visual impaired for screen readers. Though tags on images are not crucial for the Lehman, we use tags and titles on images which highlights the things for them and optimize their search results. Google places a high value on alternative text a sit also helps to determine the topic in search. In Yoast SEO analysis, usually, we used alternative text at least in one image which contains focused keywords.

Page Load Speed

Page loading is an important ranking factor because Google wants to use usability metrics to help rank pages. Page speed has its significant place in the internet world. Your site speed should be a priority as if it slows down customer close your site and go to another one as they don’t want to wait. Page loading time should not be more than 2 seconds otherwise potential customers got frustrated to leave your site. We need to check page speed on a regular basis through online tools also we have to use three keys for page loading which are use caches, save your CSS or script external files and compress tools.

Page Content

Content has its importance and it has to be on every page of the website to convey a message and support search engine optimization. We use keywords in content to optimize results and promote it by sharing inbound links. Content has to be straightforward and readable as the massive audience can view it. Writers have to know about target audience who are going to read their content so that they use words and keywords according to their level. Content quality, Keywords research and use of those keywords are an important factor in SEO.

Internal Linking

Internal links are also an essential part of SEO as its links to every page of the site and it also creates more links to other pages. SEO use this strategy to categorize the pages through internal links with custom made cabinets. We can also use keywords in internal links for optimized results. It also creates understanding with the layout of the site and helps Google search crawlers. Internal linking doesn’t increase the authority of your site, but it gives some authority to the new page.

Author Bio:- Zoe Lucas is a freelance blogger who loves to write in different niches, Currently working as a web editor at Call Me Loco!
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