How to create the Tik-Tok trend?


Tik-Tok is a new popular social network.  During quarantine, he became even more famous for battles and trends.

Tik-tok is characterized by its short form in the format of 15-30 seconds, which are constantly changing.  If you scroll through the feed, then every time you see something new.

The entire Tik-tok feed is ranked based on your interests.  You just need to go to your profile once and then the platform itself will select interesting videos for you.  The whole interface is very user-friendly, you can find trending music, apply effects or use a timer.  You can find everything for video processing in the application itself.

Since the platform is young, now you can enter the top without using paid services, but this will take you a lot of time.  Create a YouTube account and downland your Tik-Tok video here! Don’t lose your time and use trusted promotional tools! Buy youtube views and you will see how many people next day will support your Tik-Tok account!

I will give you some universal tips to help you understand tik-tok algorithms and gain popularity.

First advice.

Shoot everything and as often as possible, you might think that this is stupid, but as soon as you create an account on Tik-Tok,  any video can randomly hit the top.  The more your videos get to the top, the more chances you have to gain your audience right away.

You can promote your account on any stupid videos and as soon as you gain stable subscribers, simply remove all unsuccessful frames and already keep the audience with high-quality and useful content.

Come up with your image and your chip.

Have you noticed that many Tik-tokers have their own unique image?  It can be voice, hair color, or tone of voice.  You can even come up with your own rubric.  For example, talk once a week about horoscopes or how to gain 4000 watch hours.

The site is unique in that it promotes your videos by itself.  Social media algorithms are not always obvious, but there are certain patterns to keep in mind:

To get into the key algorithm, you need to retain the first audience – first, the video is shown to 100 people.

The platform monitors the behavior of people while watching a video – if these 100 people watched it to the end, and at least 10-15 of them liked it after watching, then the algorithm shows this video to another 100 people.

Then, if the conversion of likes and video views continues to grow to the end, then Tik-Tok already shows this video to thousands of people.

True, not all videos are recommended even for the first 100 people.  This is because the developers of TIk-Tok have implemented other algorithms that are responsible for selecting quality content.  For example, good light in the video, brightness and quality of the picture, emotions in the frame, movement ,and of course, uniqueness are important.

Second advice. Create your trend!

Capture trends and collaborate with other Tik-Tokers.  Trends appear every day.  Watch what shoots the most and repeat.  Create your dances and make calls to action.  Feedback won’t keep you waiting long.

Collaborations with Tik-tokers is another useful function of Tik-tok.  You can advertise to each other.  Create artificial dialogues and battles and thereby exchange audiences.

Third advice.

Come up with your image and your chip.

Have you noticed that many Tik-tokers have their own unique image?  It can be voice, hair color, or tone of voice.  You can even come up with your own rubric.  For example, talk once a week about horoscopes or how to gain 4000 watch hours.

The site is unique in that it promotes your videos by itself.  Social media algorithms are not always obvious, but there are certain patterns to keep in mind:

To get into the key algorithm, you need to retain the first audience – first, the video is shown to 100 people.

The platform monitors the behavior of people while watching a video – if these 100 people watched it to the end, and at least 10-15 of them liked it after watching, then the algorithm shows this video to another 100 people.

Then, if the conversion of likes and video views continues to grow to the end, then Tik-Tok already shows this video to thousands of people.

True, not all videos are recommended even for the first 100 people.  This is because the developers of TIk-Tok have implemented other algorithms that are responsible for selecting quality content.  For example, good light in the video, brightness and quality of the picture, emotions in the frame, movement ,and of course, uniqueness are important.

Fourth advice.

Make content creative and build engagement

It is important that your videos look bright, and memorable for the user.  Try to be creative, come up with unusual endings, use masks and filters, work competently with stickers and text.  But remember that everything should be in moderation: the text should not overload the picture, there should not be too many filters, the music should be combined with the frame.

Involving the viewer in this social network is not just necessary, but necessary – try to evoke emotion in a person after watching your video and the desire to return to it again.  As a rule, these are the videos that Tik-tok itself actively promotes.

Try to be an active user right away. Promote your account every day. It is important not only to repeat known trends, but also to create your own. Look for your subject matter.

Create your unique content, and using all my tips you will be able to see results. Do not be afraid to start! The most important thing is to try it. People of all ages are sitting on this platform.

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