It is a known fact that customer service is a top department of any successful business. A good customer service department answers informational demand while guiding a consumer down a sales funnel. In the event of a problem or concern, a good customer service strategy will work to rectify any problems or concerns, increasing the brands’ customer loyalty and future sales potential. Conventionally, these customer service channels were done through phone and operator-based systems. Since the creation of the internet, however, that model has slowly moved from phone to email and now has made its way to live chat. These statistics on live chat adoption from tell us that live chat is becoming even more important as the younger generations of internet savvy consumers join the marketplace. Here are a few of the top reasons live chat integration on your website is a weapon that you need to optimize as soon as possible.
Improved Credibility and Customer Comfort
In an ever increasingly saturated marketplace, especially one that has no human interactions like the internet, it is imperative to make your customers comfortable and believe in the credibility of your brand. Having live chat on your website ensures the customer that your brand is there and ready to provide customer care if it is required. 29% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase with the live chat option available, even if they don’t end up using it. Adding live chat is an instant credibility and customer comfort booster on your website.
Increased Sales & ROI
More than half of customers are more likely to purchase if you have live chat available to them. A chatting visitor is worth an average 4.5 times as much as a non-chatting visitor. A customer who chats prior to making a purchase are 40% more likely to convert and will spend nearly 10% more per order. Additionally, Live chat is far cheaper than phone support and far quicker than email. This all leads to a happier, higher converting and bigger spending customer, in turn making a real impact on your website’s bottom line.
Ease of Adoption
The final reason that defines live chat as a weapon is in how simple it is to implement. Not only can you be up and running in minutes, but the general ROI of most chat software is around 300%. There are many options for live chat solutions and a few of the best ones can be found along with more statistics and data on There is no excuse that should stop you from using one of the top tools available to your website, ASAP.