How to earn money by simply uploading files on the server

If you have enough data that you want to share on the web, then there are many websites who allow you to upload content in different formats on their servers and they offer some good amount of money when someone downloads your files. You can earn money by uploading files, movies, TV shows, music etc.

earn money by uploading files


These sites use Pay Per 1000 downloads, PPD varies from site to site, some sites like give 1$-20$ per 1000 downloads. Websites like pay up to 0.02$ for each download without tracking IP. You will also payed if someone download your files more than one time from the same IP in a single day. Earning also depends upon the country from where your file is downloaded. They divide countries into different groups, higher paying countries like US, UK, Australia, Canada comes in Group A and earn most if someone download from these countries. Sometimes you have to wait for a few seconds to download data stored from that link because sites offer a little survey.

Upload Files on the server

Create an account for free file hosting websites and upload whatever file you want. But try to upload content related to your niche so that visitors take some interest. Some sites pay with file size, more the size more money you will earn. Do not upload illegal and copyright content because these sites have rights to remove content under the act of the DMCA.

Premium Account

If you use premium account rather than a free account then you will get more privileges like better speed of uploading, more space on a server and increased file size per upload.

After successful completion of uploading of files, it’s time to share links on the web. Promote your links on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, etc. If you have a website then write some content related to the files that you have uploaded and share download links on the post. This method can attract targeted visitors and force them to download your uploaded stuff.

These sites will track your links from where your file is downloaded and when. You will get all details about your account like how much you earn from which link or from which country.

Earn through the referral system

You not only earn by uploading files on the server, if you refer someone, then these sites will pay you 10%-15% of the referrer earning.

Payment Type

Many sites support withdrawal of money through PayPal, but some other options are also available like Payza, Payoneer etc. You will only withdraw money when you achieve the minimum threshold. Their threshold value is not enough high that is from 10$-20$ depend upon the website terms, if you are earning good then you can easily achieve that value.

Below is the list of some good websites who offers PPD (Pay Per Download).

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