How to report a website for Copyright Infringement

Content is the most important aspect when it matters to rank a website in SERP. If you have well written unique content there are maximum chances to get on the first page with little effort. On the other hand, duplicate and spinning content doesn’t rank well because Google doesn’t want to show the same content on the first page when someone searches a query.

As we all know Google like Unique content, but lots of people don’t want to waste their time by writing articles. Some are doing content spinning or sometimes copy the whole line/paragraph.

Panda Algorithm is introduced by Google to penalize or deindexing websites that are using copy content. Every time when Panda is rolled out it affect lots of websites.

If your website content is shown by someone on another website then you have the right to file a DMCA request to Google. The first question comes in our mind, How to report a website for copyright infringement? If you want to request Google to remove stolen content then make sure you have the copyright of that content.

Go to the Google Webmasters Copyright Removal page and fill out all the necessary details like from where the content is   stolen and where stolen content is used.

copyright content removal request

In the field titled “Identify and describe the copyrighted work” write a string which is shown on both the websites.

After filling all the field, click submit and you will automatically get result of the copyright infringement report through email within a week.

There are a few terms you need to know before telling Google for copyright content. First of all website pages must be indexed by Google, which contain stolen content and some ranking whether it is bad or good.

Google will not approve your removal request if duplicate content is only a small string of few words.

Penalties for copyright infringement – Write clearly and don’t lie while filing content removal request to the Google. If the request overcome all basic criteria that are required for Google to accept DMCA request, then web page material containing copy content must be deindexed and website must penalize by Panda Algorithm.

Register your DMCA Protection Badge which protect your website, from content and image thieves.

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