One of the most popular social networking site Twitter will be available for sale soon, many companies has a hawk eye to own this website. Twitter Inc initiated the talk with many organizations (Google, SalesForce) on this matter and will available for formal bid soon.
Twitter is famous for sending small tweets/messages around 140 characters along with pics, links, and small videos.
Launched in July 2006 by 4 guys i.e Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Noah Glass and Biz Stone.
Maybe the reason for Sale is – The golden days of twitter are gone and their revenue is continuously declining.
Rise in Twitter Share After Sale News
Twitter shares hiked around 20 percent on this Friday, one of the big rise in shares after 2013. Now possessing the market worth of around $15 billion.
No dought Twitter has immense traffic, it has lots of regular users from celebrities, politicians to local people but as a regular user during Marketing, I found Twitter a hub of bots, lots of fake egg profiles and unwanted useless incomplete promotional tweets.
Twitter recently decided to increase their character limits of messages in motive to provide a proper value of news information to the followers.
Let’s see what will be the future of Twitter in upcoming day. Whoever possess will surely make the user experience better from now.