7 Awesome SEO Tools You Should Start Using Today

SEO experts have to stay in the loop. The changes to Google’s algorithms are constant and drastic and continuous learning is a major part of the game. Still, even with all our knowledge, there are a lot of uncertainties when it comes to this job. Simply put, Google doesn’t like revealing too much of its secrets.

Behind all this theoretical knowledge, there are layers and layers of numbers and data. This information is usually hidden from us. For example, without proper tools, we wouldn’t even know how powerful our website is.

SEO tools are the crucial part of this profession as they give us insights which we couldn’t have had otherwise. They also allow us to perform certain complex actions that will optimize our website.

So, without further ado, here is the list of 7 awesome SEO tools you should start using today.



1. Google Keyword Planner

This is one of the basic tools every blogger and SEO expert should use. It provides us with valuable data allowing us to determine volume and price of keywords. Although it is based on AdWords or paid search, Keyword Planner is still a crucial part of analysis.


2. Keyword Shitter

Here is another tool that is very important for research process. Keyword Shitter can return an enormous amount of keyword suggestions allowing us to widen our search big time. Furthermore, it has negative and positive filter which enables us to include or exclude certain phrases or words. Very useful!



3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs has turned into an all-in-one SEO tool that can help you with various things. It is paid software that helps with backlinks analysis, keyword research and much more. Besides that, it needs to be mentioned that this is by far best tool on the market for tracking gained and lost links (yours or competitors’). It is also very precise when it comes to tracking keywords rankings and their changes on a daily basis.


4. Rmoov.com

Cleaning your link profile is one of the crucial parts of SEO profession. During website’s existence, you will get a lot of spammy links pointing towards your pages. They can seriously jeopardize your website and get you in trouble with Google. As a solution, there is a program named Rmoov that can eliminate all the links that look suspicious. Very handy.



5. MozBar chrome extension

There are several ways to determine how powerful a website actually is. One of them is domain authority. This score shows us strength of a domain with 0-100 scale. Although this number is hidden, you can always have it right in front of your eyes with MozBar. This extension is positioned on the right top corner of your browser and it is really practical when doing competitors research.



6. HARO (Help A Reporter Out)

One of the biggest problems for any SEO expert is promoting their content the right way. However, it becomes much easier by using HARO. It’s a tool that connects webmasters with journalists. If you have a story that is worth publishing on a news website, just get in touch with a journalist and if it’s good enough, you will get some awesome exposure.



7. BuzzSumo

In our search for perfect keywords that will drive a lot of traffic to our blog, we tend to forget hot topics that are currently trending. BuzzSumo allows you to find those hot topics and use them for your articles. Also, this tool notifies you whenever a certain keyword is being mentioned.

SEO profession relies heavily on tools like these. It seems there are such for virtually anything. Nevertheless, if you are serious about your blog, you will start using some of these programs as soon as possible. They will make your life much easier while you search for higher rankings.

In case SEO is just not your thing, you can always turn to some SEO company or a freelancer and ask for their prices. Don’t go after cheap SEO packages, though, no matter how tempting they might look. They will most probably be of low quality and will do your site more harm than good.


About Author: Nikolay Stoyanov is a well-known Bulgarian SEO expert with over 8 years of SEO experience. He’s a huge fan of Brian Dean and a proud graduate of his SEO That Works online course. He practices 100% white hat SEO techniques and has a vast experience in keyword research, on-page optimization, SEO auditing and link building. Nikolay enjoys learning new things, making new friendships and improving his skills all the time.

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