LinkedIn – The Best Marketing B2B Social Media Channel


As social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are valuable assets that tell more about the prospect’s interest and personality, LinkedIn directly leads to a platform of new business. It practices to connect and build relationships with prospects in hopes of driving sales.

LinkedIn is a phenomenal tool for sharing new contacts and building relationships. In a short span of time, LinkedIn has reinvented the way companies sell products and services and reach to the potential customers. It stands apart from other social media channels that cultivate the business environment from the ground up.

According to the report – B2B companies use LinkedIn at all. Because of its professional nature, it provides a different method of customer interacting and boosting leads.

How LinkedIn Profile is Helpful in Optimizing Sales

After creating a profile, connect it with leads on LinkedIn and its all set to perform the sale. Use the below-mentioned points for optimizing sale:-

  • Share attractive and valuable content on the LinkedIn profile.

Content should be valuable and engaging. When customers saw content they feel more inclined to engage which builds trust.

  • Facilitate Meaningful Conversation 

Once you connect with the prospective client, a personalized message should be sent so that your connection request can serve as a good startup. This startup may continue to grow by sharing the post, sharing the content of their interest and so on.

  • Group Joining

Join groups that serve the targeted audience. The meaningful conversation also leads to high fatty sales. Keep in touch if it is not going for sale right now so that you remain on their radar.

Social Selling Index of Company

The social selling index of a company increases the exposure of potential leads. (SSI) provides a measurement on account of social selling skills.

SSI establish a professional brand that digs deeper into completing an entire profile designed with the customers specifically in mind.

Secondly, it connects with the right people. Also, it improves the analytical data provided by LinkedIn’s research tool.

It is of vital importance in SSI to maintain current connections. This will help to strengthen a company’s current network and establish the business as a major force in the given industry’s market.

  • Know About Your Own SSI

Beyond not knowing of SSI, a company needs to know what its index is. Navigating to the LinkedIn social media Index under its sales tab, a user will get a lot of information. SSI is broken down into different categories. Each step is rated out of 25 with a total out of 100.

LinkedIn provides a graph detailing weekly SSI. This way, a company can map its performance and find ways of improving it. The page also shows the average SSI for people within the industry and those within the account’s network.

By having information to weigh against the company’s own SSI, it becomes easier to know what to target and how to boost the SSI number. And to improve the social selling potential of LinkedIn, a company must take advantage of the SSI

Speak to Your Industry Expertise

Are you a salesperson using LinkedIn to connect with prospects? Your summary should speak to your expertise in your industry to achieve results. LinkedIn is a great tool to reach your profile to the targeted offices. A summary should speak about skills, experience and professional interests.

The summary includes contact information, the kind of work you do and prior experience.

And in less than a paragraph, your LinkedIn summary should sum up your biggest value for the proposition outcome you are hoping to achieve. A summary is one thing that is read when landing on a page.

By following these steps, build a strong LinkedIn platform. Create lists of targeted leads to connect with credibility and trust and convert those leads into clients with Beep2B – A great and highly effective systematic social selling company that delivers results with the help of a qualified team in 22 different countries all over the world.

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